Monday, September 12, 2011

Introduction to my blog.

Hello!  And welcome, my name is Meera. :)

  The reason I started this blog?  Lots come to mind, but I guess the main one is I tend to look to friends, family, and Google for help with a lot of things in my life.  I love reading stories of people going through the similar things and relating.  However this circumstance of dating and Afghan is quite a rare one.  Well, let me rephrase that, not rare, but rarely spoken about.

 My one an only goal here (other than releasing my own personal thoughts on digital paper) is to aid any others who may be or have found themselves in my situation.  Whether your the Afghan dating a non-Afghan or vice versa.  I hope this may help you in ways it could have helped me nearly 10 years ago.

To start,  I am a 27 year old Caucasian female (non-religious) dating a 30 year old Afghan Muslim man.


Unknown said...

I'd love to compare stories with you if you still read these. I've been with my afghan man for almost four years.

about this blog said...

Yes I'd love to chat! I haven't been updating this blog in a long time as you can see. If you get this, please message me

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